UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, v. OSVALDO GONZALEZ, HUMBERTO VASQUEZ DIAZ, and ANGEL GABRIEL PALANCO, Defendants. CASE NO. 22-cr-20350-ALTMAN 07/18/2023 ROY K. ALTMAN, UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE ORDER *1 The Defendants, interdicted at sea on a vessel carrying huge amounts of cocaine, are charged with conspiring to possess a controlled substance aboard a vessel subject to…
Category: Speedy Trial
Southern District of Florida Court evaluates speedy trial requirement in relation to MDLEA interdictions
The convergence of the Sixth Amendment’s speedy trial requirement and the delay before presentment following an MDLEA interdiction often raises complex issues. On one hand, the government must have the ability to continue its mission of countering drug smuggling without overly disrupting its operations following an interdiction. On the other hand, individuals apprehended during these…